IT Support Nottingham | Computer Consultants

Computer Consultant0115 824 2270

Solve My Specific Issue

We’ve got decades of experience working with SME’s and we’re absolutely confident in the solutions we implement to solve the needs of a growing business.

Our support is our number one priority, we have a step by step take on process to make coming over to Nottingham IT Support as painless as possible.

We promise to give you the IT Support your business deserves.

Security breaches are hitting the headlines more than ever and as a result, your customers are more aware that their data needs protecting. No matter what size your business is your data can often be your business and you owe it to your customers to keep their information secure. We can help with all aspects of security ranging from Firewalls to preventing documents from falling into the wrong hands. Limiting company information to selected employees, stopping access to malicious websites or even social media sites and full hard drive encryption are some of the many actions we are asked to take.

Disaster recovery is a key component of all Nottingham IT Support solutions – whatever size the company is the lack of a robust recovery system can be devastating. Modern technologies mean that recoveries that used to take days can often now be achieved within hours, if not less.

We continually monitor your IT system, including your backups, making sure everything runs as it should. Rapid reinstatement of backed up files can usually be achieved within minutes.

That depends on your business, it’s about finding the right solution for you, in terms of practically and financially. A mixture of cloud and on-premise solutions are popular amongst our clients and can in some cases be the best solution.

Should be a simple thing shouldn’t it? Yet time and time again businesses come to us with this critical issue: an email that doesn’t sync across all their devices or it isn’t reliable enough. We can help you find out why.

What should I do next? Let Nottingham IT Support take care of you. Book Your FREE Consultation on 0115 824 2270