IT Support Nottingham | Computer Consultants

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How Much Storage Do I Need?
December 14, 2015

Nottingham IT Support IT Solutions Nottingham HQ Opening

With our new offices now up and running it was time for some of our friends to come and check it out, last Wednesday they did!

After a day of spring-cleaning (only briefly interrupted by a delivery of more equipment for our private cloud demonstration platform) it was time for a glass of something fizzy to celebrate the next chapter in the Nottingham IT Support story with about 30 of our friends and business contacts.

Apart from the odd glass of champers, bucks fizz or coke (for those enduring Go Sober 2014!) some fantastic food was enjoyed courtesy of The Charde Oriental Restaurant and after the official business of the ‘grand office tour’ was taken care of chatting and laughter made up the rest of the evening.

We at Nottingham IT Support had a great time, and we hope everyone who joined us for a few hours in our new home did as well – whatever your IT needs might be, you know now exactly where we are! Although, if you would prefer to avoid the seemingly never ending road works give us a call, and we will come to see you.


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